Skincare Tips for the Natural Baby

Your baby’s skin is soft, sensitive, and delicate. Their skin cannot handle the types of skincare products you use. When choosing baby skincare products, makes sure they are designed for babies, gentle on their skin, chemical free, natural, and dermatologically tested. Newborns take some time to adjust to their new environment outside the womb. Their skin is very sensitive and can react to even the slightest bit of discomfort. Simple things can irritate their skin and cause it to breakout or develop a rash. Soaps, shampoos, lotions, and even their diapers can cause a reaction. This just means their beautiful soft, skin needs extra TLC.

Because a baby’s skin is thinner and fragile, they are more susceptible to developing allergies during their first few months. This is why it is important to develop a skincare routine that will help keep them comfortable. It’s also essential to ensure that your baby’s skin stays healthy.

Bathing and Skincare

Many parents prefer to bathe their baby every day. However, bathing your baby too frequently can remove natural oils that help protect their skin. It is suggested to bathe babies no more than three times a week. Make sure to choose shampoos and soaps designed specifically for baby’s sensitive skin. Soaps should have a pH close to 5 or 5.5. Use gentle soap and lukewarm water to bathe your baby. The area should be warm and no fans or air conditioners should be running so the baby isn’t cold. Once you find cleansing products that work for your baby, stick with them. Remember to avoid antibacterial soaps since they are too harsh for your baby’s sensitive skin. Scented baby products should also be avoided as they can often irritate a baby’s delicate skin. Once your baby has been bathed, dry their skin gently with a soft, smooth towel to avoid scratching their skin.

Baby Skincare and Diapers

Most brands of diapers are designed to help keep your baby’s skin dry, clean, and fresh. However, there are some babies with sensitive skin and some brands can irritate baby’s skin leading to problems with infections or rashes. To help prevent rashes, change your baby’s diaper as soon as you discover it is soiled. If you notice irritation in the diaper area, choose a different brand or variety. Preventive measures can help you avoid diaper rashes.  If you notice symptoms of an infection, including a fever, blisters, or pus along with a diaper rash, contact your doctor as soon as possible.  Diaper troubles often occur if a wet diaper is left on too long, if the diaper is too tight, or due to a specific wipe, soap, or diaper.  Here are a few tips to help avoid diaper troubles.

  • Change the diaper as soon as it is wet.
  • Most rashes are not serious problems, but if they show signs of infection, seek treatment.
  • Apply specifically designed lotions and ointments, especially those with petroleum or zinc oxide, can help relieve skin irritation. They can also help protect the sensitive skin from moisture, especially when treating diaper rash.
  • Most diaper rash is caused by irritation from a soiled diaper.
  • Failing to properly dry your baby’s skin after bathing can also cause rashes.
  • Use a soft, clean cloth instead of baby wipes to reduce the chances of irritation. Wipes that contain alcohol or perfumes can irritate the baby’s skin.
  • Pat your baby’s skin dry before putting on a fresh diaper.
  • Avoid the use of baby powder.

 newborn baby bundle

General Baby Skincare

Your newborn’s skin is delicate, but so is their immune system. You’ll want to protect them from direct sunlight until they are over 6 months old. You can protect their tender skin with long-sleeved pjs, pants, and hats. Make sure their outfits are clean, and it’s best to wash new items before they wear them. Washing them removes any residue and helps to soften them. Use organic products as much as you can to protect your baby’s skin from infections and reactions.


Dealing with Skin Problems

One of the most common skin problems parents of newborns deal with is eczema. This red, itchy rash often has no known cause. Most of the time, it appears on the baby’s face, arms, chest, behind the knees, or on the elbow. In families that have known allergies, asthma, or atopic dermatitis, babies may be at a higher risk of eczema. Using mild soaps and soft moisturizers may help. Some babies are prone to developing baby acne. It’s not the same as teen acne. Your pediatrician can offer treatment options that can help.

Always remember to avoid synthetic textiles when you can. They can be rough against baby’s skin. Instead, use bamboo blankets, sheets, and clothing. Bamboo is softer, breathable, and causes less skin irritation in general than other options.


Check out Little Biscuits Natural Baby Clothing and Products

At Little Biscuits Clothing, you’ll find high-quality bamboo options for your baby. We choose to use bamboo fabrication because it has hypoallergenic qualities, it’s breathable, super soft, and environmentally responsible. Check out our natural baby skin-healthy products today!